Behaviour Management Policy

​​​Classroom rules​​​: ​​Overarching rule - respect people and respect prop​erty

  • Rule 1 - Emphasises “speaking nicely”
  • Rule 2 - Emphasises being “not physical” to people and property
  • Rule 3 - Emphasises work completion
  • Rule 4 - Follow directions

Steps 1-3: Classroom management

(Steps to be determined by classroom teachers for their own class)

(Whole School Behaviour Management starts from Step 4)

Step 4: 'Time Out' - in 'Time-Out' class

How long -> 15 minutes

What to do -> no work

Where -> front of class–facing forward

  • Recording details in behaviour log

Step 5: 'Time Out' in office (call office first)

  • Principal to keep log of children on Step 5
  • How long - Half an hour, doing nothing
  • Principal / APRE to call parents to notify them of child’s escalating behaviour and prepare them for possibility of Step 6
  • When office is unattended children will do Step 5 in Prep room (Donna’s class)

Step 6: Child s​ent home

  • Parents called to pick child up
  • Principal/APA/APRE to obtain behaviour log from class teacher and have talk with parent about escalating behaviour that day and re-entry process the next day
  • Remind parents of consequences of being sent home more than twice in a term
  • Child re-enters next day with as little fuss as possible – as per normal day
  • If parents are unable to pick up their child the child automatically misses the next school day

For serious aggressive behaviours and/or intentional swearing at staff the child will be placed immediately on Step 5

Sport on Friday will not be used as a consequence for misbehaviour in the classroom or playground. However, indiscretions during sport will result in time-out at sport. Continued misbehaviour at sport will result in the student being excluded from sport the following week.

*In exceptional circumstances teachers, after consultation with specialist staff as well as members of the school administration, may implement specific, short term measures that will positively change the behaviour of their students.

Specialist Teachers


Suggestions: Class handed over to specialist teachers with a laminated class list showing the steps illustrated in columns so specialist teachers can use with consistency the same system.

  • Two chances-child sent back to class teacher
  • Three times to the office within a school term -> meeting called that involves the following parties:-
    • Administration
    • Class teacher
    • Parent
    • Learning Support teacher
    • Guidance Counsellor
    • School Pastoral Worker
  • Two times on Step 6 within a term child to be placed on an individual behaviour plan. If individual behaviour plan proves to be unsuccessful in changing the child’s behaviour within two weeks the school reserves its rights to consider applying for exclusion of the child through Brisbane Catholic Education.


  • Class reward program to be implemented by class teachers within their own class
  • Terrific At School card - to be given to children in the playground and by specialist teachers to encourage positive behaviours and
  • T.A.S. award to be drawn fortnightly
  • Special achievement award as whole school recognition

Flow chart for classroom management

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Playground behaviour management (Years P-6)


r2010 Behaviour Management Whole School Policy-4.jpg 

Time-outs will be served at each lunch break, (Mon to Thurs). Due to sport on Friday, time-outs will be served on Monday in the same are​a.

The COOL-OFF SEAT is to be used as an intermediate step to allow children to compose the​​mselves and return to playing with greater self control.

Playground behaviour management for Prep Year​

Procedure: Upon displaying inappropriate behaviours, children will be immediately placed on time-out for 10 minutes. COOL OFF SEAT. If it is a SEVERE CLAUSE child is to be given a TIME OUT slip.